Wednesday, 21 August 2013

The 1975- Sex- Music Video (How are young people presented?)

The title of the music video maybe 'SEX' but there is a deeper side to this track with things to do with drugs, relationships & finding your true self.
 • There is several different ways the camera changes in the video. First of all some of the scenes are repeated to show that things are never forgotten and you will always remember certain occasions for the rest of your life. Also in the video drugs are consumed, so maybe the repetition shows how you will regret the choice of taking drugs in the future. An example of this is in the video the female character is shown swimming in the pool with a swimming costume on but a few scenes later she is shown swimming naked, showing she is forgetting her dignity, possibly due to the fact she has taken drugs.
 • Throughout the scenes we can see that a handful look like they are home movies, because they are in the ‘night vision’ or because they ‘zoom in on the faces of characters& then they laugh’. The home movies show drugs been took, this can be linked to when young people do stupid stuff, people around you could be filming, so that when you stop being stupid you can look back and rethink what you did such a thing. So in this instant the girl will regret taking drugs because she was filmed, and anybody could see that video If it was real.
 • The editing of the video is a constant juxtaposition effect, purposely placing drug taking next to a sex scene, this shows maybe if young people are under the influence of drugs they will not be aware that anybody could take advantage of them, and this could be a fear for their safety. Also there is small amount of foreshadowing, in the video the male character is getting chased by police down a one way street, then at the end of the video the same police vehicle shows the female character in, this possibly shows that if a young person is in a mess & they get somebody else involved then all that mess can be passed onto them and cause them to get into trouble and then the guilt is all on them.
 • Another editing effect is in the video things begin good, all the characters are having a good time with friends & are at a party everybody is taking drugs. But then at (1.48) then the guitar in the background changes a chord and the video changes into an argument because the drugs are taking effect. Young people would see this video and maybe catch a glimpse of the backlash of taking drugs.
• In the video there always seems to be a bed on set, possibly because the song is called ‘sex’: but the opening scene shows the young couple on a bed talking. Then we get this constant clip of a rectangle in the style of a window, possibly so that young people can look into it and see what drugs can cause and how it damages people around you. Of course young people are more sexually active than others, so this reflects how easy it is to be taken in by drugs and how it leads to random sex and worse case unprotected. Graffiti, bongs and dirty surroundings are always in the scenes, this is showing how difficult a struggle life is for a young person in this day and age, so they find themselves subduing in actives like drugs & vandalism to get a kick out of it and forget their worries.
 • The lighting basically reflects the idea of the drugs and the effects they have on young people’s vivid minds. A scientific fact is that drugs can cause people to hallucinate with different colours and images. So In one scene (2.15) we see all these random bright colours like purple and orange flickering in the male characters eyes and the camera lenses are shaking, we are really stepping foot into the mind of a young person that is on drugs.
 • There is a limited amount of costumes involved in the making of this video because if you didn’t know it already the song is called ‘sex’ and 80% of the time the characters are half naked. However when they are wearing costumes they are very skater style, with the ‘Vans shoes’ and the ‘skinny jeans’. Also one of the props throughout is skateboards. One stereotypical type of teenager who ride skateboards and have piercings ‘she’s got her tongue pierced anyway’ are assumed to be taking drugs. So young people are getting stereotyped for taking drugs by the way they dress.
 • Most of the facial expressions on the characters are blank or plain because it is trying to show what drugs can do to young people, maybe trying to put in place an image of why you shouldn’t do drugs because they block out the real you and you can’t show your raw emotion when under the influence.
 • The sound is throughout with it obviously being a music video. But at the beginning we hear the female character discussing “neon lights” and how they get “dumped in this big grave yard in the desert” she then goes onto say “abandoned never to be lit up again”. The boy replies with ‘we can light them up”– this can be related with how young people feel and how they have struggles of being lonely and forgotten. Until the young people come together and relight each other. When the chorus starts to be repeated we get this line saying “all we do is talk about sex” Most young people have the topic of sex on their mind, because 9 times out of 10 there parents have tried to make them avoid the topic, but the young people rebel against it and will go out and do it.
 • The song is purposely catchy so that young people will be singing along. It has drums, and guitars in, this is probably the most common genre around the stereotyped type of people who take drugs and have sex with random people. So maybe “The 1975” are trying to get a message across about the safety of drugs or they are encouraging people to take them: who knows?

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